Posts in Events
Mid-March news: ARCs! NYC Teen Author Festival!

It's only mid-March but mentally I'm already all the way in October because this week I received the advance review copies of A Line in the Dark. Lookie!

Advance review copies go out to reviewers, which means other people are going to be reading this book soon. This is a nerve-wracking time for the author, because now is the moment the book ceases to be mine alone and becomes ... yours. I am excited and nervous for this book to hit the world.

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Things are happening. Many things!

Eight months! Which means things are getting real around here. There are a million things that have to happen before a book hits the bookstore shelves, involving everything from double- and triple-checking every word (shout out to copyeditors and proofreaders, who are invaluable), to designing the book cover (which is totally stunning and you will get to see very soon), to advance planning about book events and publicity and …

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